10 Lower Back Exercises With Dumbbells For Strength & Mobility

lower back exercises with dumbbells

While most of us perform a variety of exercises for our lats and traps, our lower back muscles hardly get our attention.

But here’s why lower back exercises with dumbbells should figure into our training routine.

A strong lower back translates to a strong core which in turn is critical for many factors including injury prevention, enhanced athletic performance, improved stability, and flexibility, and many more. 

Doing lower back exercises at home with dumbbells also aids in improving posture which helps to prevent lower back pain.

With all these benefits, we bet you’re dying to know just how you can strengthen your lower back!

So, let’s take a look at the top 10 lower back exercises with dumbbells!

Top 10 lower back exercises with dumbbells

If you’ve been looking for the best lower back exercises at home with dumbbells, or the top exercises for the lower back at home with dumbbells, you’re at the right place!

lower back exercises with dumbbells

Please note that these lower back exercises with dumbbells are compound exercises that don’t just target the lower back but several muscle groups at once.

1. Dumbbell deadlift

The list of exercises for the lower back at home with dumbbells would be incomplete without this classic move!

Muscles worked: Lower back, glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings.

How to perform

  • Stand with a hip-width stance. Hold a pair of heavy dumbbells in front of your thighs, palms facing you. This is the starting position.
  • With your core engaged, back straight, and shoulders back, push your hips back and hinge forward at your waist as you bend at your knees.
  • Lower your upper body until it is almost parallel to the floor. 
  • Pause for a moment before returning to the starting position.
  • Perform the desired number of reps.


Ensure that the dumbbells are close to your body throughout the movement.

2. Dumbbell superman

The Dumbbell Superman is one of the best lower back exercises with dumbbells to improve your posture.

Muscles worked: Lower back, upper back, shoulders, glutes, hamstrings, abs.

How to perform

  • Hold one dumbbell in each hand.
  • Lie down on your belly with your arms stretched out in front of your and your legs out behind you. This is the starting position.
  • Keeping your back, glutes, and core engaged, simultaneously lift your arms and legs a few inches off the floor.
  • Pause for a few seconds before returning to the starting position in a slow and controlled manner.
  • Perform the desired number of reps.


  • Lift your arms and legs only as far as you can go without causing any discomfort. 
  • Do not lift your head or hyperextend your neck as this could result in neck pain.

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3. Romanian deadlift

Muscles worked: Lower back, hamstrings, glutes.

How to perform

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent. 
  • Hold one dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing your thighs.
  • With a neutral spine and your shoulder blades squeezed together, hinge at your waist sending your hips back.
  • As you do so, lower your dumbbells so that they are right in front of your shins.
  • Maintain a neutral spine as you return to the initial position, squeezing your glutes at the top.
  • Perform the desired number of reps.


  • Keep the dumbbells close to your body throughout the exercise.
  • Do not round your back at any point.

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4. Dumbbell bird dog

Need an exercise with dumbbells for lower back that is great for improving your mobility? The dumbbell bird dog is the perfect choice.

Muscles worked: Lower back, abs, glutes, hamstrings. 

How to perform

  • Grab one dumbbell in each hand.
  • Get into a tabletop position with your hands directly under your shoulders and knees below your hips. This is the starting position.
  • Squeezing your core, simultaneously lift your right hand and your left leg until they are parallel to the floor.
  • Pause for a second and then return to the starting position.
  • Repeat the same movement with your left hand and right leg.
  • Keep alternating between both sides for the desired number of reps.

5. Renegade rows

Want a lower back exercise with dumbbells that’ll give you massive upper body strength while also improving your balance and stabilization? Look no further than renegade rows!

Muscles worked: Lower back, upper back, abs, obliques.

How to perform

  • Start in a high plank position with your hands holding dumbbells against the ground underneath your shoulders.
  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Maintaining square hips and shoulders, pull one dumbbell up towards your armpit.
  • With control bring the dumbbell back to the ground.
  • Reset your strong plank position and repeat with the other dumbbell.
  • Perform the desired number of reps.


  • Don’t let your hips sway from side to side.
  • Opt for lighter-weight dumbbells so that your form is not compromised.

6. Dumbbell good mornings

This exercise with dumbbells for lower back strengthens your spinal muscles and thus improves your squat performance.

Muscles worked: Lower back, glutes, hamstrings. 

How to perform

  • Hold a dumbbell with both hands.
  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart and bring the dumbbell up and behind your head so that it is resting on the tops of your shoulders (not on your neck). This is the starting position.
  • Inhale, arch your back slightly, and then push your glutes out behind you, keeping your back perfectly straight and holding the dumbbell in place as you lower forward.
  • Pause when your upper body is parallel to the ground.
  • Now slowly return to the starting position.
  • Perform the desired number of reps.


  • There should be a slight upward curve in your lower back throughout this exercise.
  • You can have a slight bend in your knees.

7. B Stance Romanian deadlift with dumbbells

Since this lower back muscle exercise with dumbbells requires one side of your body to lift most of your weight, it can give your coordination, balance, and single-leg strength a hard-core challenge.

Muscles worked: Lower back, glutes, hamstrings. 

How to perform

  • Hold one dumbbell in each hand.
  • Start with your feet together and your knees slightly bent.
  • Press into your left leg. Take your right leg and place the toe of the right leg towards the heel of the left leg. This is the starting position.
  • Engaging your core, push your hips back and bring your arms down until your dumbbells are below your knee level.
  • Pause for a moment and then return to the starting position.
  • Perform the desired number of reps on this side and then switch sides.


Most of your body weight should remain on the front leg. Your back leg is just to maintain your balance.

8. Dumbbell glute bridge

This lower back exercise with dumbbells is also excellent for strengthening your glutes and hamstrings which in turn helps prevent back pain.

Muscles worked: Lower back, glutes, hamstrings.

How to perform

  • Hold a medium to heavy weight dumbbell.
  • Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
  • Place the dumbbell just below your navel but above your hip bones. Hold it in place with both hands so that it doesn’t move. This is the starting position.
  • Push through your heels and slowly raise your hips off the floor while keeping your abs and glutes engaged.
  • Stop when your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your knees.
  • Pause for a few seconds before lowering back to the starting position.
  • Perform the desired number of reps.

9. Dumbbell stiff-leg deadlift

Your explosive power, jumping, and incline running capability all stand to benefit from this mighty lower back muscle exercise with dumbbells.

Muscles worked: Lower back, hamstrings, glutes.

How to perform

  • Grab one dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing your legs.
  • Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and a slight bend in your knees. This is the starting position.
  • Keeping a straight back, slowly lower the dumbbells until they reach the tops of your feet.
  • Pause for a second. Now engage your core and push through your heels and glutes to return to the starting position.
  • Perform the desired number of reps.


  • As you’re bringing the dumbbells back up, ensure that your eyes are facing up and your shoulders are back. This is to stop your lower back from rounding.
  • Ensure the dumbbells stay close to your body throughout the exercise to avoid strain on your lower back.

10. Dumbbell Side-Plank Push

This is one of the best exercises with dumbbells for lower back to end your workout routine.

Muscles worked: Lower back, abs, obliques.

How to perform

  • Hold a dumbbell in your right hand.
  • Lie on the floor on your left side with your forearm on the floor and your elbow underneath your shoulder.
  • Bend your left knee behind you to a 90-degree angle.
  • The dumbbell should be by your shoulder. This is the starting position.
  • Now lift your hip off the floor while simultaneously extending your right arm upwards.
  • Pause before slowly returning to the starting position.
  • Perform the desired number of reps on this side before switching sides.

Final words

All you need to protect and strengthen your lower back is a pair of dumbbells. So, try these amazing lower back exercises with dumbbells and feel the difference!

Check out Burnlab’s adjustable dumbbell set right here.

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